Author: Deeksha Katiyar
Snakebite is an injury that is characterised by the piercing of snake fangs into the skin with or without the injection of venom from a viperous snake. Signs of a snake bite may differ from one snake to the other and may include pain, two puncture marks, swelling, and redness at the point of bite. Other …
What is Diarrhea? Diarrhea is commonly described as passing more than three loose bowel movements in a single day. It can be categorized based on its duration; it may be acute, which lasts for 1-2 days; persistent, 2-4 weeks; and chronic, which lasts for more than 4 weeks. Some of the more familiar ones are caused …
What is Acid Reflux? Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid backs up into the oesophagus because the lower oesophagal sphincter does not shut correctly. It leads to heartburn – a burning sensation in the chest, and regurgitation – sour content in the throat or mouth. These signs, if experienced, frequently result in GERD, a more severe …
What is Early Ejaculation? Early ejaculation, also known as premature ejaculation (PE), is defined as a male sexual dysfunction where a male is unable to control the time taken before ejaculation occurs. It usually takes place when a man discharges semen earlier than wanted, usually within one minute of vaginal intrusion. This condition can eventually cause …
What is Anxiety? Anxiety is a feeling of worry, fear, or unease about something that might happen in the future. It’s a normal emotional response that everyone experiences at times, especially during stressful situations like exams or important events. When you feel anxious, you might notice physical symptoms like sweating, a racing heart, or trouble concentrating. …
What is Tellurium? Tellurium is a pretty interesting and rare element. It is something you would only sometimes come across in everyday life because it is mostly found in the ground mixed with metals like gold and silver. It has this shiny, silver colour, so it looks kind of like metal, but it is actually what …
What is Urtica Urens? Urtica urens is a plant that grows in many parts of the world, mainly in Europe and North America. The plant is known for its tiny hairs that can sting when touched, causing a mild burning sensation on the skin. Despite its sting, Urtica urens has been used for centuries in traditional …
What is Vinca Minor? Vinca Minor is a small flowering plant that grows mostly in Europe. It has pretty blue or purple flowers and dark green leaves. While it might look like an ordinary garden plant, Vinca Minor has been used for hundreds of years in traditional medicine. People have used it to help with skin …
What is Syzygium Jambolanum? Syzygium Jambolanum is a tropical fruit that grows on large trees in South Asia. It is known as the Java plum or Jamun. The tree produces dark purple fruits that are sweet and slightly sour, and these fruits have been used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years. People have turned to …
What is Symphytum Officinale? Symphytum Officinale, commonly known as comfrey, has been used in herbal medicine for centuries. It is famous for helping with bone and tissue healing, which is why it is often called bone-knit. This plant grows in damp areas near rivers or streams, and it has large green leaves and purple or blue …