What is Alcohol Addiction? Alcohol addiction, alcoholism, or alcohol dependency disorder is the pathological inability to stop consuming alcohol, even where it is clearly detrimental to health, personal relationships, and other aspects of life. Most times, it causes an individual to become physically and psychologically reliant on alcohol to such an extent that they develop a …
What is Vomiting? Vomiting, also called emesis, is the forceful ejection of the content of the stomach through the mouth. It is unconsciously and automatically carried out by the brain and can be induced by an infection, motion sickness, food poisoning, or some specific disorders in the stomach. Vomiting begins with an impulse that affects the …
What is Pneumonia? Pneumonia is an infection in the lungs that causes breathing to become difficult. It occurs when the small air sacs in the lungs, which are also called alveoli, become filled with either fluid or pus. This can lead to a cough with mucus, fever, chills, chest pains, and breathing problems. It can be …
What is Typhoid? Typhoid, or typhoid fever, is an illness produced by the bacterium Salmonella typhi. Infectious globally through food or water, people coming from regions with poor hygiene are more likely to be affected. The bacteria infects the intestinal tract and the circulatory system and may manifest as high fever, weakness, abdominal pain, headaches, loss …
What is Melasma? Melasma is a chronic skin disorder in which the skin becomes brown or grayish brown on the facial area. This process happens when the skin is overproducing melanin, the substance that gives skin color. This is more common in females, especially pregnant females (known as the mask of pregnancy) or females who use …