Nitric acid – Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Composition, And More

What is Nitric acid?

Nitric acid is a potent chemical compound composed primarily of nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen, denoted by the chemical formula HNO3. Commonly referred to as aqua fortis or spirit of nitre, it boasts strong oxidizing properties and is recognized as a highly corrosive mineral acid.

In homeopathy, nitric acid finds utility in treating various ailments such as piles, warts, skin ulcers, and throat issues. Its therapeutic applications extend to rectal complications like painful piles, itchy anus, constipation, and dysentery, along with addressing urinary discomforts like urethral itchiness and pain.

Moreover, it serves as a remedy for female disorders, including vaginal discharges and inflammation. Despite its potency, nitric acid’s medicinal use is not direct within the body; instead, it is often associated with Nitricum Acidum (Nit-ac.), a homeopathic remedy known for its efficacy in alleviating symptoms such as excoriating discharges, fissures, and mucous membrane-related discomforts.

Nitric acid Chemical Constituents

Nitric acid is primarily composed of a combination of elements, specifically nitrogen, and oxygen, alongside hydrogen arranged in a particular molecular structure. This unique arrangement is fundamental to the distinctive properties of nitric acid, including its corrosive solid nature. Despite not occurring naturally within the body, nitric acid’s presence and utility underscore its pivotal role in diverse chemical reactions and homeopathic medicines.

Nitric acid Preparation

Nitric acid is prepared for medicinal use in homeopathy through a specialized process known as potentization. This method involves the transformation of Nitric Acid, chemically represented as HNO3 or commonly referred to as ‘aqua fortis,’ into a potent remedy.

Through potentization, the inherent therapeutic properties of Nitric Acid are harnessed, making it suitable for treating various ailments. Homeopathic medicines derived from Nitric Acid have historically been employed to address multiple health issues, including sore throat, tonsillitis, mouth ulcers, piles, and skin conditions such as warts and ulcers.

Nitric acid Mother Tincture

Nitric acid mother tincture, a component of traditional medical practices, serves various therapeutic purposes. It is notably utilized as an escharotic agent, effectively targeting warts, warty tumors, phagedenic ulcers, and chancres, demonstrating its corrosive and acidic properties.

Internally, the diluted form of this tincture finds application in managing fevers by alleviating thirst and in conditions like bronchitis and phthisis, where it helps regulate excessive secretions.

Additionally, it is employed in specific cases of syphilis and phosphaturia. Notably, in medical interventions, nitric acid mother tincture has been administered directly into the bladder in a diluted state to aid in the dissolution of calculi.

Benefits of Nitric acid

Nitric acid, renowned for its diverse therapeutic applications, offers various potential benefits across medical and homeopathic practices. These include;

  • Digestive Health: Nitric acid effectively addresses digestive disorders such as heartburn, indigestion, and painful stomach ulcers. It relieves sharp, cutting pains and sensations of rawness or burning in the digestive tract.
  • Dental Care: Nitric acid is a frequent remedy for dental problems like sensitive teeth and painful cavities. It alleviates shooting pains in the teeth, particularly aggravated by exposure to cold or hot substances.
  • Skin Wellness: Known for its efficacy in treating skin conditions, nitric acid is particularly effective against ulceration-related issues like anal fissures or genital warts. It helps manage painful, bleeding, or offensive-smelling ulcers on the skin.
  • Emotional Balance: Nitric acid extends its benefits beyond physical ailments to address emotional and mental disturbances. It’s recommended for individuals experiencing extreme irritability, pessimism, and a tendency to dwell on past grievances.
  • Respiratory Support: In cases of respiratory issues such as persistent coughs with a sensation of a foreign body in the throat, nitric acid can be beneficial. It helps alleviate respiratory symptoms aggravated by cold air, providing relief and comfort.

What does Nitric acid treat?

Nitric acid serves as a complete remedy for several medical conditions. Its therapeutic efficacy is used to treat;

  • Throat Complaints: Nitric acid is valuable for treating conditions like sore throat and tonsillitis, characterized by stitching, splinter-like, and burning pain extending to the ears, along with difficulty swallowing and dryness in the throat. Ulcers with offensive odors may also be present.
  • Oral (Mouth) Complaints: Effective against mouth ulcers causing stinging, pricking, and burning sensations, often accompanied by increased salivation and foul mouth odor.
  • Rectal Issues: Beneficial for anal fissures, piles, and constipation, relieving symptoms such as sharp, cutting pains in the anus, bleeding, burning sensations, and difficulty passing stool.
  • Skin Issues: Renowned for treating skin warts and ulcers, easing pain, and controlling bleeding, it is particularly effective against large and pedunculated warts.
  • Urinary Complaints: Addresses urinary infections, urethral stricture symptoms, and conditions where pus, blood, and albumin are passed in urine, often associated with a solid offensive smell.
  • Female Disorders: Useful for treating vaginal discharges, vaginitis, and genital warts, characterized by greenish or brownish discharges with itching, stitching pain, and burning sensations.
  • Male Complaints: Effective against gonorrhea, ulcers, and warts on male genitals, targeting symptoms like yellowish or greenish discharge, severe pain during urination, flat ulcers with elevated edges, and challenging brown warts prone to bleeding on touch.

Nitric acid Homeopathic Uses

Nitric acid has diverse applications in addressing various health concerns, showcasing its versatility across different bodily systems. It’s used primarily for;

  • Digestive Disorders: Nitric acid is a go-to remedy for digestive issues such as heartburn, indigestion, and painful stomach ulcers. It provides relief from sharp, cutting pains and sensations of rawness or burning in the digestive tract, offering comfort and easing discomfort.
  • Dental Issues: In dental care, nitric acid is frequently employed to address problems like sensitive teeth and painful cavities. It effectively tackles shooting pains in the teeth, especially when aggravated by exposure to cold or hot substances, promoting oral health and alleviating dental discomfort.
  • Skin Conditions: Renowned for its efficacy in managing skin conditions, nitric acid is particularly effective against ulceration-related issues such as anal fissures or genital warts. It aids in treating painful, bleeding, or offensive-smelling ulcers on the skin, promoting skin wellness and comfort.
  • Emotional Distress: Nitric acid extends its benefits beyond physical ailments to address emotional and mental disturbances. It’s recommended for individuals experiencing extreme irritability, pessimism, and a tendency to dwell on past grievances, fostering emotional balance and well-being.
  • Respiratory Complaints: In cases of respiratory issues like persistent coughs with a sensation of a foreign body in the throat, nitric acid can be beneficial. It helps alleviate respiratory symptoms aggravated by cold air, providing relief and comfort and supporting respiratory health.

Nitric acid Dosage

Nitric acid dosage varies based on the potency and condition being treated, with considerations for age and sensitivity. Here are its recommended dosages as per age groups;

Nitric acid dosage for adults

  • Home treatment of acute and self-limiting complaints involves taking one pill or five drops of the remedy every 1 minute to 4 hours, with adjustments based on symptom intensity.
  • Once improvement is noted, dosing should cease, resuming only if symptoms recur.
  • If no improvement occurs after three doses, a different remedy or healthcare professional guidance may be necessary.

Nitric acid dosage for children

Chronic symptoms or complaints necessitate professional treatment by a qualified homeopath to manage changes in potencies and remedies, ensuring appropriate management of the condition over time.

Ingestion of nitric acid in high doses poses several health risks. While most individuals experience mild side effects from nitric acid supplements, certain groups should avoid these supplements due to their existing health conditions;

Who should avoid Nitric acid?

  • Cirrhosis: Individuals with cirrhosis, characterized by liver scarring, should exercise caution when considering nitric oxide supplements. Nitric acid may exacerbate liver function, leading to adverse effects.
  • Guanidinoacetate Methyltransferase Deficiency: This rare genetic condition, resulting in the absence of an enzyme crucial for converting arginine into creatine, warrants avoidance of nitric oxide supplements. People with this deficiency should refrain from using nitric acid supplements to prevent potential complications.
  • Low Blood Pressure: Individuals already experiencing low blood pressure should avoid nitric acid supplements due to the risk of further lowering blood pressure levels. Such individuals should discontinue nitric acid supplementation before undergoing surgical procedures.

What are the side effects and risks of using Nitric acid?

Ingestion of nitric acid can lead to severe burns and gastrointestinal symptoms, including abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, with high doses posing a risk of fatality.

While most individuals experience mild side effects from nitric acid supplements, such as diarrhea, stomach pain, bloating, headache, heart palpitations, and nausea, certain groups should avoid these supplements due to potential risks



  • Is homeopathic Nitric acid safe?

    In homeopathy, Nitric Acid is used to help the body heal naturally. It’s safe because it’s very diluted and doesn’t have harmful effects. Homeopaths who are trained to use it properly can recommend it for different health issues. But it’s always best to talk to a doctor before trying any new treatment, just to be safe.

  • What is Nitric acid used for?

    Nitric acid is primarily used in homeopathy to treat various conditions such as fissures, piles, ulcers in the mouth, recurrent coughs and colds, and kidney stones. It relieves associated pain and is particularly effective for managing skin disorders caused by splinters.

  • How to give Nitric acid to babies?

    When it comes to administering Nitric acid to babies, it’s crucial to seek guidance from a qualified homeopathic practitioner. They will determine the appropriate dosage based on factors like the baby’s age, weight, and specific health conditions. Seeking advice from professionals ensures safe and tailored usage for the baby’s needs.

  • How does Nitric acid work?

    As a homeopathic remedy, Nitric acid operates on the fundamental principle of like cures like in homeopathy. It is a potent solution that exhibits corrosive properties, which, when highly diluted, paradoxically stimulates the body’s healing responses. This process involves triggering a controlled reaction in the body, prompting it to address similar symptoms to those caused by the original condition; in managing skin disorders, such as ulcers and blisters, Nitric acid’s diluted form aids in alleviating symptoms like profuse bleeding.

  • How long does Nitric acid take to work?

    The duration for Nitric acid to exhibit its effects varies among individuals and is influenced by factors such as age, overall health, and the specific condition being treated. Homeopathic remedies like Nitric acid may take varying lengths of time to show noticeable improvements. While some individuals might experience relief relatively quickly, others may require more extended treatment periods for the full benefits to manifest. Patience and consistent adherence to the prescribed regimen are essential in evaluating the effectiveness of Nitric acid in addressing the individual’s health concerns.

  • Can Nitric acid be taken daily?

    The frequency of Nitric acid intake should be determined based on individual medical advice and specific treatment requirements. Consulting with a qualified healthcare professional is essential to establish the appropriate dosage and frequency tailored to the individual’s health condition, medical history, and response to treatment.

  • What is Nitric acid used to treat?

    Nitric acid is widely employed in addressing an array of health concerns. Its applications span from treating throat and oral complaints, such as sore throat and mouth ulcers, to rectal issues like anal fissures and piles. Additionally, it is effective in managing skin problems like warts and ulcers, urinary complaints including urinary infections and urethral strictures, and various male and female disorders like gonorrhea and vaginal discharges.

  • How do you give nitric acid to a dog?

    To give Nitric acid to a dog, dissolve a few pellets of the remedy in a small cup of water and administer the water to your pet. This approach guarantees precise dosage and minimizes direct contact with the remedy, ensuring its potency remains intact.

  • Is Nitric acid good for acid reflux?

    While Nitric acid is commonly used to address conditions such as fissures, piles, ulcers in the mouth, recurrent cough, cold, and kidney stones, it is not typically recommended for managing acid reflux. Acid reflux requires specific treatments tailored to reducing stomach acid and preventing its regurgitation into the esophagus, which Nitric acid may not directly address. Therefore, individuals experiencing acid reflux should consult healthcare professionals for appropriate treatment options.

  • Is Nitric acid safe for pregnancy?

    Nitric acid, like other homeopathic remedies, is generally considered safe for use during pregnancy. It is unlikely to cause harm to pregnant women or lactating mothers. However, adhering to proper dosage instructions and seeking guidance from a licensed healthcare provider to ensure safe and effective use is essential. Overdosing or self-medication with homeopathic remedies is not recommended.