Medical Conditions

How To Treat Vomiting With Homeopathy?

What is Vomiting?

Vomiting, also called emesis, is the forceful ejection of the content of the stomach through the mouth. It is unconsciously and automatically carried out by the brain and can be induced by an infection, motion sickness, food poisoning, or some specific disorders in the stomach.

Vomiting begins with an impulse that affects the stomach and abdominal muscles, causing the expulsion of contents. Nausea, the feeling that triggers the urge to vomit can occur due to gastroenteritis, infections, or certain medications. While occasional vomiting is normal, frequent or prolonged episodes may lead to dehydration, so it’s important to see a doctor if this happens.

Symptoms of Vomiting

The symptoms can vary depending on the underlying cause, but common signs include

  • Nausea: Nausea is the uneasy feeling or urge to vomit or to throw up. It usually happens before vomiting and is usually induced by objects within the environment, such as an illness, motion sickness, or even food poisoning.
  • Salivation: The body manages to produce loads of saliva to almost wet the mouth, just as a measure to counter the effect of the acid. This occurs prior to vomiting and may have the effect of decreasing irritation to the throat or throat comfort.
  • Sweating: It is normal to sweat while vomiting due to the stress that it brings, stress brings sweat. This is a natural autonomic nervous system occurring in response to discomfort or nausea, which is often experienced during arthritis.
  • Paleness: Vomiting also makes a person pale because the circulation of blood through the skin is minimized by the body. This is due to a host of changes that happen in the body as a result of stress and discomfort.
  • Rapid breathing: When the body feels nauseated, it will try to increase the breathing rate in order to work through the issue. Shallow breathing can also be caused by conditions characterizing a stressed or painful body.
  • Abdominal discomfort or cramping: Vomiting may be associated with cramps or pain in the stomach area. It may happen because the stomach muscles and the part of the digestive tract called the pelvic herd contract.
  • Loss of appetite: After vomiting, people may become anorexic due to the discomfort that comes with the flu or the fact that they still feel nauseous. This is a natural thinking that comes to the mind of the body in a bid to counter this effect.
  • Weakness or fatigue: Puking might make a person feel dizzy or exhausted or have a feeling of weakness if there is a loss of appetite. People become rather exhausted after the process, as the body uses energy to throw up its stomach contents.

Causes of Vomiting

Here are the main causes:

  • Gastrointestinal infections: Conditions that may cause inflammation and irritation of the stomach lining include food poisoning, stomach flu, and bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection. This activates the body’s immune response and vomiting helps to remove germs or toxic substances from the body.
  • Motion sickness: It happens when the brain is steadily receiving conflicting information from the inner ear and eyes during any movement. This usually happens while in the course of commuting in cars, boats, or airplanes, particularly in asthmatic patients.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnancy sickness, especially in the first trimester, causes nausea and vomiting in most women. It may result from increases in hCG, which renews the corpus luteum, and although the rationale is not always apparent, hormonal shifts are believed to be the source of it.
  • Medications: Some medicines may cause inflammation to the lining of the stomach or upset the stomach’s chemical composition. This includes chemotherapy drugs, opioids, pain relievers, and antibiotics. These medications commonly cause nausea and vomiting effects to the patients during the treatment.
  • Overeating or food intolerance: Taking excess food, sugary foods, or fried foods can act as an indigestion and hence cause nausea and vomiting. Further, food intolerances such as lactose or celiac disease, which are the worst enemies of one’s stomach, will cause vomiting once the respective foods are consumed.
  • Migraine headaches: Migraine, often occurring in one half of the head or behind the eyes, may also result in vomiting as well as nausea. The cause is believed to be due to alterations in the brain chemical and blood flow of the patient during a migraine attack.
  • Stress or anxiety: Nausea may result from psychological factors like stress, anxiety, or fear since they are known to cause digestion-related complaints. In some cases, these feelings cause a physical reaction, which results in vomiting as the body goes into a fight-or-flight response.
  • Toxins or alcohol: This area can be irritated by ingesting poisonous substances or drinking excessive alcohol. These mechanisms cause nausea and vomiting because the body tries to get rid of such unwanted substances.

Does Homeopathy for Vomiting Work?

Homeopathy is a form of complementary medicine that uses microdoses of certain substances to treat conditions like vomiting. It operates on the principle that these substances can mimic disease symptoms in healthy individuals, potentially aiding recovery in those who are sick.

Identifying the cause of vomiting—such as food poisoning, motion sickness, or stress—is crucial for effective Homeopathic Treatment for Vomiting. Common remedies include Ipecacuanha, Nux Vomica, and Cocculus, which may help alleviate symptoms.

If you experience severe or persistent vomiting, it’s best to consult a doctor before using homeopathy.

Homeopathic Treatment for Vomiting

Here are some of the most effective homeopathic treatment for vomiting:

  • Ipecacuanha: It is the prophylactic antiemetic that is prescribed for vomiting due to nausea, fullness within the stomach, or after meals or drinks. It particularly comes in handy when you’re vomiting due to a food bug or common stomach upsets.
  • Nux Vomica: This remedy is prescribed for vomiting resulting from eating too much food, taking alcohol, or due to pressure. It also works well for nausea with signs of increased temperance or even light and noise phobia.
  • Cocculus: They use it for vomiting resulting from motion sickness, vertigo, or nausea occasioned by travel. It is also useful for people with vomiting and nausea after a lack of sleep or severe tiredness.
  • Arsenicum Album: Used to control vomiting as a result of food poisoning, anxiety, or plumbism. It is even better when it is associated with vomiting and restlessness, together with weakness and fatigue.
  • Phosphorus: For vomiting arising out of drinking or eating when the stomach is sensitive, this remedy is beneficial. It is usually advised when vomiting is combined with a burning sensation in the stomach or throat.
  • Podophyllum: This should be used for vomiting with diarrhea, especially when vomiting results from digestive disorders or contaminants.
  • Belladonna: Recommended when the vomiting is acute and is associated with signs such as reddening of the face, fever, and undue reaction to light or sound.

How Effective is Homeopathic Treatment for Vomiting?

The efficacy of homeopathic treatment for vomiting is debated. While some patients feel relief, there is limited scientific evidence to show it is more effective than a placebo. Homeopathy may help with minor issues like nausea due to stress or seasickness.

However, it should not replace conventional treatment for vomiting caused by infections or prolonged symptoms. If vomiting is severe or accompanied by other concerning signs, professional medical help is essential.

Best Homeopathic Medicine for Vomiting

Here are some of the most effective homeopathic medicines for vomiting:

  • Ipecacuanha: Especially when nausea and vomiting are chronic, the stomach is heavy, and the tongue is smooth.
  • Nux Vomica: The drugs are useful in vomiting related to overeating, indigestion, and toxicromnia, especially in combination with acidosis.
  • Arsenicum Album: Good for treating vomiting with diarrhea especially after taking contaminated food or water.
  • Phosphorus: Good for the vomiting accompanied by burning in the stomach, especially when one takes cold or icy foods.
  • Cocculus Indicus: Recommended for clients suffering from vomiting due to motion sickness or nausea associated with traveling.
  • Bryonia Alba: Relieves vomiting, which comes with feelings of excessive thirst and dryness of the mouth.
  • Pulsatilla: Useful when vomiting follows fatty foods, normally with no feeling of thirst.

Best Homeopathic Remedies for Vomiting

Here are some of the most effective homeopathic remedies for pigmentation:

  • Phosphorus: For vomiting after eating or drinking and particularly if the stomach feels delicate. It offers assistance to those people who commonly feel a burning sensation in their stomachs.
  • Podophyllum: Recommended for vomiting with diarrhea, which can be caused by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Belladonna: Beneficial during vomiting of sudden onset, especially if accompanied by facial redness, fever, and increased sensitivity to light or noise.
  • Sepia: Usually administered for vomiting, which is caused by certain hormone changes like pregnancy or menstrual periods. It is beneficial when one feels weak and irritated in general.
  • Chamomilla: Useful for nausea that comes from pain or fussiness, which can be typical for children or for other people who tend to get grumpy when hungry.
  • Ipecacuanha: Most suitable for vomiting that is associated with a feeling of nausea when the stomach is full. It is frequently prescribed in cases of food poisoning or any disturbance in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Nux Vomica: Effective for vomiting due to eating too much, taking alcohol, or due to stress. This is convenient when nausea is accompanied by irritation, increased photosensitivity, and disturbed gastrointestinal tract.
  • Cocculus: Recommended for vomiting as a result of motion sickness, vertigo, or exhaustion. It is good for vomiting due to travel or lacking sleep.
  • Arsenicum Album: Used in treating cases of vomiting resulting from food poisoning, anxiety, or digestive-related issues. It is very effective if the condition is coupled with vomiting and weakness of the body, as well as restlessness and fatigue.

Diet Changes for Vomiting Disorders Patients

  • Eat Small, Frequent Meals: It is better to eat frequently in small portions, lest the stomach overfills, or on the other extreme, gets too empty to make the dog vomit. Do not take large or fatty meals, which can upset the stomach.
  • Avoid Trigger Foods: Eliminate foods that cause nausea or vomiting, including but not limited to spicy, greasy, fried foods, caffeinated beverages, or alcoholic beverages. Go for unflavoured and low fiber foods, for example, crackers, rice, toast, or bananas.
  • Stay Hydrated: Vomiting can cause dehydration, so one has to take small portions of water or electrolyte beverages and herbal teas such as ginger or peppermint teas. Do not consume products containing sugar and caffeine, as these will precipitate further dehydration.
  • Incorporate Ginger and Peppermint: Ginger is known to help decrease nausea, and peppermint is also known to help prevent nausea. Chamomile and ginger consumed in the form of tea or included in meals will help minimize feelings of nausea. Peppermint can also be good for digestion and can be drunk as tea or sucked like candy, for instance.
  • Limit Fatty and Acidic Foods: Fatty and acidic foods are bad for the stomach lining and will only agitate the vomiting. Avoid high-fat foods and acidic foods such as fried foods, fruits, and fatty meat, and prefer foods that are low in fat, such as steamed vegetables, light meats, and complex carbohydrates.
  • Probiotics: Yogurt or taking supplements of probiotics in case vomiting is likely to have resulted from bacterial upset or other gut-related complications.

Lifestyle Changes for Vomiting Disorders Patients

  • Practice Deep Breathing or Relaxation Techniques: Pain and emotional upset may be precipitating factors to nausea and vomiting since stress and anxiety prolong the nausea. Practicing safe relaxation activities like deep breathing yoga or even mindfulness is possible to lessen stress that can lead to vomiting of contents in the stomach. It could be helpful to attempt to learn some relaxation exercises to use when the mind begins to feel windy.
  • Rest and Sleep: Good rest is, however, very important, especially if vomiting has been occasioned by illness or fatigue. It should also be useful not to overwork for a while and to have a good rest to improve the healing process.
  • Elevate the Head During Sleep: If vomiting is associated with acid reflux or GERD, positioning the head raised while sleeping will assist in minimizing the chance of stomach acid regurgitating into the food pipe. Invest in pillows to help the upper part of the body stay elevated in order to control vomiting during the night.
  • Avoid Lying Down Immediately After Eating: It is recommended not to lie down for some time after having our meals because this leads to indigestion and, thus, vomiting. It is advisable not to lie down for at least 30 minutes to an hour after the balanced diet meal.
  • Stay Calm and Avoid Stressful Situations: This is because vomiting is usually caused by stress and anxiety. It’s advisable to avoid situations that may lead to stress or take time so that you can learn how to relax whenever you’re stressed.
  • Wear Loose Clothing: Clothing that fits especially on the abdomen should be avoided since it can make the patient more uncomfortable as well as nauseous. Loose and comfortable clothes must be worn because the abdomen will be under pressure.


Homeopathy is one of the best non-intrusive ways of treating vomiting. Its treatments focus on getting to the root of a problem instead of coping with a symptom. There are specific Homeopathic treatment for Vomiting, like Ipecacuanha for seasickness, Nux Vomica for vomiting after eating something that causes nausea, and Arsenicum Album for vomiting due to any digestive disorder.

The general approach to remedy homeopathy is an advantage since it triggers fewer side effects and is therefore recommended for people of all ages. Based on natural remedies, and balancing of the body’s system, homeopathy is proven to be an effective and safe remedy for vomiting. However, to appreciate the best outcome, seek the service of a professional homeopathic physician.


  • What are common homeopathic remedies for vomiting?

    For vomiting, Antimonium Tartarium, Nux Vomica, Ipecacuanha, Arsenicum Album etc., are the different types of Homeopathic remedies, which vary according to cause and conditions.

  • Is homeopathy safe for children with vomiting?

    Yes, homeopathy is effectively milder and safer to be taken by children; they can get full relief without side effects.

  • How quickly can homeopathy relieve vomiting?

    The relief time depends on the cause and severity of the problem, but it seems that acute cases might improve in several hours after treatment.

  • Do I need to consult a homeopath for vomiting?

    Yes, consultation with a professional homeopath guarantees the right remedies are used in accordance with the disease or health state of an individual and the apparent symptoms.

  • Can homeopathy treat vomiting caused by motion sickness?

    Yes, treatment-based products like Cocculus Indicus are often recommended for treating vomiting that is a result of motion sickness.

  • Can homeopathy work alongside other treatments for vomiting?

    Yes, homeopathy can be supplementary to other forms of treatment and provide gentle, side effect-free healing in concert with other therapies while curing the cause of vomiting.

Deeksha Katiyar

Experienced Doctor with a demonstrated history of working in the health wellness and fitness industry. Skilled in Homeopathy, Clinical Research, Medicine, Public Health, and Wellness. Strong healthcare services professional with a post graduation focused in Homoeopathy from The London college of Homoeopathy, Hounslow, U.K..

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