Medical Conditions

How To Treat Insomnia With Homeopathy?

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is when you’re not getting the sleep you need. It might mean not getting enough sleep, having difficulty sleeping, or waking abruptly at night. Some find it a minor bother, while others find it a big problem. The reasons for insomnia vary.

Your body requires sleep for many reasons, although science is still uncovering why it’s so crucial. Lack of sleep leads to sleep deprivation, which is generally unpleasant and hampers your ability to function at your best. Understanding and addressing the causes of insomnia are essential for better sleep and overall well-being.

Types of Insomnia

Experts categorize insomnia in two ways to help understand it better;

Firstly, based on time, there are acute insomnia (short-term) and chronic insomnia (long-term). The prolonged form is officially termed insomnia disorder.

Secondly, considering the cause, there’s primary insomnia, which occurs independently, and secondary insomnia, a symptom of another condition or circumstance.

So, whether it’s a temporary or more persistent issue, and whether it stands alone or is connected to something else, these classifications aid in addressing and treating different types of insomnia.

Symptoms of Insomnia

Insomnia comes with various symptoms, such as;

Trouble Sleeping

It may involve insufficient sleep, difficulty initiating sleep, or waking up in the middle of the night. These variations in sleep initiation and maintenance are key indicators of individuals’ difficulties in achieving a restful night.

Initial (sleep onset) insomnia: Difficulty falling asleep

Middle (maintenance) insomnia: This impacts around two-thirds of individuals experiencing insomnia who awaken during the night but manage to return to sleep

Late (early waking) insomnia: Rising too early in the morning and struggling to resume sleep

Daytime Effects

The impact of insomnia extends beyond the night, affecting one’s wakeful hours. The daytime effects shed light on the pervasive consequences of inadequate sleep, such as;

  • Feeling tired, unwell, or sleepy
  • Delayed responses, like slow reactions while driving
  • Difficulty remembering things
  • Difficulty concentrating slowed thinking, or confusion
  • Mood disturbances, notably anxiety, depression, and irritability
  • Disruptions in work, social activities, hobbies, or routine activities

Chronic Insomnia Characteristics

When the struggle to sleep persists over the long term, it enters the realm of chronic insomnia. Specific characteristics include;

  • Circumstances: Chronic insomnia is diagnosed when sleep difficulties persist despite having the right time and environment for sleep, without external factors like changes in work schedule interfering
  • Frequency: Chronic insomnia happens regularly, happening a minimum of three times per week
  • Duration: It extends for at least three months
  • Explanation: Chronic insomnia is diagnosed when sleep troubles aren’t due to substances, medications, other sleep disorders, or underlying medical or mental health conditions

Causes of Insomnia

While experts haven’t unraveled all the mysteries surrounding insomnia, various factors contribute to or potentially cause this condition;

  • Family History (Genetics): Insomnia can be hereditary, with sleep traits and conditions often passing down through families. The role of genetics in shaping our susceptibility to insomnia sheds light on the importance of familial history in understanding and addressing sleep difficulties.
  • Brain Activity Differences: Individuals with insomnia may exhibit differences in brain activity or chemistry that impact their ability to achieve restful sleep. This variation in neural function underscores the intricate connection between our brain processes and sleep quality.
  • Medical Conditions: The state of your physical health significantly influences your capacity to sleep. Temporary ailments like infections or injuries, along with chronic conditions such as acid reflux or Parkinson’s disease, can disrupt sleep patterns. Factors impacting your body’s internal sleep/wake cycle, known as circadian rhythm, contribute to this.
  • Mental Health Conditions: Mental well-being: About half of individuals experiencing chronic insomnia also grapple with other mental health issues like anxiety or depression. Recognizing the interplay between mental well-being and sleep underscores the holistic approach needed for effective insomnia management.
  • Life Circumstances: While stressful events may not directly cause insomnia, they frequently contribute to its development. Understanding how life stressors affect sleep enables a more thorough approach to tackling the underlying causes of insomnia.
  • Life Changes: Both temporary adjustments, such as jet lag or sleeping in an unfamiliar location, and long-term changes, such as moving to a new house, can affect sleep habits. Acknowledging the impact of life transitions on sleep emphasizes the need for adaptive strategies to maintain healthy sleep routines.
  • Habits and Routine: How you manage your sleep, termed sleep hygiene, plays a crucial role in the development of insomnia. Factors like napping, bedtime routines, caffeine consumption, and other habits influence sleep quality, emphasizing the importance of cultivating positive sleep practices for overall well-being.

Does Homeopathy for Insomnia Work?

Homeopathy offers a promising approach to tackling insomnia by addressing its root causes. This method comprehensively views an individual’s health and uses natural substances and herbs. The core belief is that significant improvements can be achieved by identifying and addressing the underlying insomnia triggers.

In simpler terms, homeopathic treatment for insomnia works by considering various aspects of a person’s health and utilizing natural remedies. Rather than treating symptoms, homeopathy seeks to address the underlying causes, providing a complete cure. This approach aligns with the philosophy that a balanced and harmonious internal state can lead to better sleep.

Overall, homeopathy’s emphasis on understanding and addressing the root factors makes it a noteworthy option for those seeking relief from insomnia.

Homeopathic Treatment for Insomnia

Homeopathic treatment for insomnia involves a balanced approach, combining the use of homeopathic medicines and lifestyle adjustments. Identifying the specific type and pattern of insomnia is crucial for effective treatment. Insomnia can be associated with underlying health conditions like diabetes, asthma, or heart disease (known as secondary insomnia), while stress, anxiety, and unhealthy sleep habits may lead to primary insomnia.

In cases of primary insomnia, homeopathy not only recommends appropriate medicines but also emphasizes the elimination of lifestyle habits contributing to the sleep disorder. Homeopathic medicine focuses on the root causes of insomnia, such as stress or hormonal imbalances, working towards restoring overall balance in the body to facilitate a restful night’s sleep.

These remedies are personalized and tailored to individual symptoms, making homeopathy a unique and individualized homeopathic treatment for insomnia options for those seeking relief from insomnia.

Homeopathic Medicine for Insomnia

Homeopathic medicine offers various remedies for insomnia, each targeting specific causes or symptoms. Here are some key options;

  • Coffea Cruda: Derived from unroasted coffee beans, it helps with insomnia linked to an overactive mind or racing thoughts, especially for those who wake frequently at night.
  • Aconitum Napellus: Made from monkshood plant, it addresses insomnia associated with anxiety, fear, or panic. Helpful for restless sleep, nightmares, or night sweats.
  • Nux Vomica: Derived from Strychnos nux-vomica seeds, it’s beneficial for insomnia caused by stimulant overindulgence like caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine and for those struggling with an overactive mind or work-related stress.
  • Passiflora Incarnata: Also known as passionflower, it has relaxing characteristics that make it useful for insomnia caused by anxiety, uneasiness, or nervousness.
  • Ignatia Amara: Made from St. Ignatius bean’s seeds, it addresses insomnia linked to grief, emotional stress, or depression, especially for those experiencing frequent waking or vivid dreams.
  • Arsenicum Album: Derived from arsenic, it treats insomnia associated with anxiety, restlessness, or fear, particularly helpful for those having difficulty falling or staying asleep.
  • Pulsatilla Nigricans: From the windflower plant, it addresses insomnia linked to hormonal imbalances or emotional stress, often beneficial for women dealing with issues like PMS or menopause.
  • Calcarea Carbonica: Known as calcium carbonate, it helps with insomnia related to physical exhaustion or overwork, aiding those who struggle with falling asleep, frequent waking, or sleepwalking.
  • Lycopodium Clavatum: Obtained from the club moss plant, it focuses on insomnia associated with digestive or liver issues. It is especially beneficial for individuals suffering from bloating, indigestion, or gas interfering with sleep.
  • Silicea: Silicea, or silicon dioxide, targets insomnia linked to anxiety or nervousness. It is especially beneficial for those struggling to fall asleep owing to a hyperactive mind or a dread of the dark.

For specialized insomnia management, consult a homeopathic specialist who can develop a curated homeopathic treatment for insomnia based on your specific symptoms and needs.

What Are Some Common Homeopathic Remedies for Insomnia?

There is a range of homeopathic remedies dedicated to alleviating insomnia that address the unique needs of both adults and infants. These natural solutions offer a holistic approach, considering individual symptoms and contributing factors to promote restful sleep. Here are some common homeopathic remedies that aim to provide a tranquil and rejuvenating night’s sleep tailored for adults and infants;

Homeopathic Sleep Remedies For Adults

Homeopathic sleep remedies for adults offer a natural approach to addressing insomnia, considering various symptoms and causes. Some commonly used medicines include;

Difficulty Falling Asleep and Anxiety

  • Arnica: Eases individuals who are overworked physically and addresses insomnia related to jet lag

Overexcitement and Sleeplessness

  • Aconite: Treats acute cases of insomnia triggered by fear, shock, grief, or bad news

Stress and Anxiety

  • Arsenicum Album: Targets insomnia where the patient feels sleepy during the day but struggles to sleep at night
  • Calcarea Phosphoric: Treats insomniac patients with difficulty waking up, anxiety, restlessness, and irritability

Difficulty Falling Asleep and Multiple Awakenings

  • Causticum: Used when bedwetting is likely, especially during the first part of the night
  • Chamomilla: Addresses sleeplessness in teething babies or adults with irritability and fearful dreams.

Fear of Being Alone

  • Cocculus: Cures insomnia due to over exhaustion and overstrains, common in night shift workers


  • Coffee: Derived from coffee beans, it provides relaxation to insomniac individuals overexcited and kept awake by constant thoughts
  • Ignatia: Ignatia is most effective for addressing insomnia triggered by intense shock, sorrow, or emotional strain

Homeopathic Sleep Remedies for Infants

When using homeopathic remedies for infant sleep issues, it’s essential to understand the symptoms and choose the proper remedy. Diluting 5 granules in a bit of water and administering it through a bottle is common. Here are examples of remedies tailored for specific symptoms;

Difficulty Falling Asleep and Anxiety

  • Phosphorus 9CH: Suitable when the baby struggles to fall asleep and appears anxious about lying down.

Overexcitement and Sleeplessness

  • Coffea 9CH: Recommended for overexcited infants who find it challenging to fall asleep.

Stress and Anxiety

  • Ignatia Amara 7CH: Addresses stress-related sleep issues
  • Valeriana 7CH: Helpful for nervousness or hypersensitivity
  • Gelsemium 9CH: A remedy for anxiety

Difficulty Falling Asleep and Multiple Awakenings

  • Nux Vomica 9CH: Suitable for infants struggling to fall asleep and experiencing multiple awakenings during the night
  • Gelsemium 9CH: Useful for jittery or anxious feelings
  • Staphysagria 9CH: Addresses hypersensitivity and anxiety
  • Passiflora compound: Beneficial for disturbed sleep

Fear of Being Alone

  • Arsenicum Album 7CH: Addresses awakenings during the night and a fear of being alone
  • Causticum 9CH: Beneficial for alleviating apprehension related to darkness and solitude
  • Lycopodium 7CH: Addresses a fear of nightmares


  • Stramonium 5CH: Recommended for infants experiencing nightmares

It’s important to note that each child is unique, and consulting with a homeopath for personalized advice is advisable. Administering these homeopathic treatment for insomnia according to the specific symptoms observed in the infant can provide a gentle and natural approach to promoting better sleep.

Diet And Lifestyle Changes To Deal With Insomnia

Dealing with insomnia requires more than just counting sheep. Minor modifications to your everyday schedule, especially in terms of diet and lifestyle, can significantly influence your capacity to enjoy a restful night’s sleep. Let’s delve into these uncomplicated yet impactful diet and lifestyle adjustments to enhance the quality of your sleep.

Diet for Insomnia Patients

Incorporating certain foods into your evening routine can help fight insomnia and may drift you into sound sleep;

  • Chamomile Tea: Swap your regular tea for chamomile tea before bedtime. Chamomile boosts the immune system and contains the antioxidant Apigenin, which binds receptors in the brain, inducing sleepiness and preventing insomnia.
  • Watermelons: Eating a cup of diced watermelon pieces before bedtime keeps you hydrated and curbs your hunger after dinner. However, they consume in moderation due to their high water content, which might lead to midnight trips to the washroom.
  • Pistachios: Rich in essential nutrients, including vitamin B6 and magnesium, pistachios can aid sleep. Consume them moderately, as excessive calorie intake can hinder sleep.
  • Walnuts: Walnuts regulate the sleep hormone Melatonin, improving overall sleep quality. They also provide ALA, an omega-3 fatty acid that stimulates the generation of serotonin, a brain chemical that enhances sleep.
  • White Rice: High in carbohydrates and low in fiber, white rice with a high glycemic index may enhance sleep quality when consumed a few hours before bedtime.
  • Bananas: A rich source of magnesium and tryptophan, bananas help induce a good night’s sleep, acting as a muscle and nerve relaxant.
  • Prunes: Like walnuts, prunes promote Melatonin production and increase calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B6 levels.
  • Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate raises Serotonin levels, promoting relaxation of the mind and body.
  • Kiwis: Nutrient-rich kiwis are suggested as one of the best foods to consume before bedtime, aiding quick sleep onset and ensuring uninterrupted sleep.
  • Almonds: Packed with healthy nutrients, almonds are rich in magnesium, known to benefit individuals with insomnia. They also help regulate the stress hormone Cortisol, preventing sleep disruptions.
  • Turkey: Turkey, with its tryptophan content, increases melatonin production, potentially explaining post-meal tiredness. Consuming moderate protein amounts before bed is associated with improved sleep quality.
  • Fatty Fish: Fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, trout, and tuna, rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, can enhance sleep quality by increasing serotonin production.

Lifestyle Changes to Copup With Insomnia

In addition to dietary adjustments, incorporating specific lifestyle changes can significantly impact your sleep;

  • Avoid caffeine after lunch
  • Eat light at dinner also at least two hours before bedtime
  • Limit liquid intake before bed
  • Maintain a dark, comfortable bedroom temperature
  • Limit screen time before sleep
  • Exercise daily
  • Avoid stimulating activities before bed
  • Consider incorporating yoga and meditation into your routine
  • Establish a regular bedtime routine
  • Keep a sleep diary to monitor sleep patterns and identify potential factors affecting sleep


Insomnia, characterized by persistent sleep difficulties, can be effectively addressed through the combined approach of homeopathic treatment for insomnia, homeopathic remedies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications.

Alongside these remedies, adopting a balanced diet and making specific lifestyle changes contribute significantly to improved sleep quality. It’s important to recognize the potency of homeopathic medicines, carefully selected based on individual symptoms, to relieve insomnia. Consulting with a homeopathic healthcare practitioner is crucial to ensure a personalized assessment and treatment plan.


  • Can homeopathy help sleep?

    Yes, homeopathy can aid in promoting better sleep. Homeopathic remedies are designed to be taken before bedtime, assisting in inducing drowsiness and facilitating a peaceful sleep. The unique aspect of homeopathic medicine lies in its gentle and non-drowsy nature, allowing individuals to achieve restful sleep without feeling drugged.

  • What are the top 5 homeopathic medicines for insomnia?

    The top 5 homeopathic medicines for insomnia are Coffea, Nux vomica, Arsenicum album, Ignatia, and Aconite. These remedies, derived from natural sources, are tailored to address different patterns and causes of sleep disturbances.

  • Which is the best homeopathy medicine for deep sleep?

    The best homeopathic medicine for deep sleep is Bakson B10 drops. This natural remedy offers a safe and effective solution for insomnia, helping individuals achieve faster sleep onset, deeper sleep, and a refreshed awakening. If you struggle with sleep disturbances, Bakson B10 drops provide a holistic approach to promoting restful and rejuvenating sleep.

  • What are the best homeopathy medicines for anxiety and sleeplessness?

    Homeopathic medicines for anxiety and sleeplessness include Aconitum, Argentum nitricum, Arsenicum album, Chamomilla, Coffea, Ignatia, and Kali phosphoricum. These remedies are tailored to address both anxiety and sleep issues.

  • What is a homeopathic mother tincture for insomnia?

    Passiflora Incarnata Mother Tincture is a potent homeopathic remedy derived from Passion Flower leaves. This tincture is a reliable solution for insomnia and related conditions. It helps regulate sleep patterns in individuals who experience sleeplessness, whether in infants or older people.

Deeksha Katiyar

Experienced Doctor with a demonstrated history of working in the health wellness and fitness industry. Skilled in Homeopathy, Clinical Research, Medicine, Public Health, and Wellness. Strong healthcare services professional with a post graduation focused in Homoeopathy from The London college of Homoeopathy, Hounslow, U.K..

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